Welcome to my web site.

Here you will find my Star Trek prop collection that was started long ago and my NASCAR die-cast scaled replica collection (I will be adding more pictures to the page as time permits). You will also find My Links page.  Any major updates to other pages  will be documented below.  Browse and enjoy...

Upcoming events: 

DragonCon- Sep 4 - 7, 2009 - Atlanta, GA
    *Leonard Nimoy
    *Patrick Stewart
    *Dirk Benedict
    *Richard Hatch
    *Dwight Shultz

    *Gil Gerard
 *Erin Gray


Updates:  8/13/2009 - updates main page

1/21/2009 - Updated upcoming events - Phoenix Comicon & Wonderfest.   

11/20/2008 - I will be updating some of the menu buttons in the coming weeks.  I have replaced the Star Trek Las Vegas con button with Conventions.  There will be more to come. 

10/27/2008 - Updated upcoming events - GALAXY OF STARS - Sci-Fi FilmFest and ComiCon

7/20/2008 - Updated upcoming events - StarBase Indy.

4/1/2008 - Updated upcoming events - Dragon*Con.

3/10/2008 - Updated upcoming events.

10/23/2007 -  Added a few new links and updated upcoming events. 

6/9/2007 - Updated main page with Upcoming events - Dragon*Con

3/17/2007 - Updated main page with Upcoming events - AdventureCon

12/30/2006 - Updated main page, added Star Trek III Phaser page and added Doctor Who Prop Page.

11/13/2006 - Updated main page

10/1/2006 - Added Doctor Who page

8/31/2006 - Updated main page content

8/27/2006 - added 2006 Star Trek Las Vegas Con web page

7/4/2006 - Updated My Links page

5/29/2006 - Uploaded and placed link in My Links page

5/27-2006 - Added link to comments page at the bottom of this page. 

3/25/2006 - Added another web page - My First B9 Robot Project

3/13/2006 - I have added my Art Work from several years ago.  Please check it out.  It will bring back memories.  :

Please submit any comments and suggestions to
Website Administrator