My Art Work

During the mid-seventies to the mid-eighties, I did some tracings, sketching and drawings.  A majority of these were done in 1980.  The following web pages are a representation of that work.  I have tried not to include any of the tracings, but there still might be some.  Most of the work comes from drawings that I have looked at and redrawn. Some are bad and some are good.  

In the coming weeks, I will be updating each page with comments.  Some of these drawings will bring back memories from long ago.   Enjoy!


Animated Characters

Battlestar Galactica

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

Creatures mostly Pre-historic

Doctor Who

Lost In Space

Original Works

Planes and Shuttles

Science Fiction Drawings

Star Trek

Star Wars




If you are interested in art, please see my good friend, Cacy's web site